Saturday, 15 April 2017


Just a short ride today. It's a lovely day but cool. At least I went out. I did notice the nether regions were a little tender but that settled quickly. I think we saw a young tui in the garden last night and I thought I heard one early this morning. It would be lovely to have tuis nearby. Ron thinks it might be a hard winter this year so we will have to keep the birds fed. There was a blackbird in the glasshouse when I got back and it was in a right panic.


The danger of Cyclone Cook passed with a whimper in Southland and today was a pleasant morning to go for a ride. By the time I got out the wind had cone up a little and I'm not fond of wind. However I decided that I have to train myself to enjoy wind. Relish it even. So off I went with the wind behind me. I figured that if I rode to Pukerau then the head wind would be from Kaiwera and down Diamond Peak. At least I would be going downhill into the head wind. I had conveniently forgotten how far it was.
I scooted out to Pukerau quite quickly for me. I stopped at Camp Colomba and took a photo of a tiny waterfall.  Then onwards and upwards.  By the time I came over the top into the Kaiwera basin I was beginning to feel tired. I thought of ringing Ron to come and get me and then thought I had done all the work getting up and I didn't want to miss the run down.
By the time I turned onto the flat of River Road I had talked to myself and decided that fitness is as much mental as physical and I had better develop some mental stamina.
I didn't manage to ride up the last hill to home though. I was knackered. 
44 km isn't really far but it was for me.
Now that I have recovered somewhat I am quite pleased with myself.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Injury and a party

Gently getting back into the burn and there was a beautiful day. Te sun was shining, I had on my summer dress (might be the last chance for a while) and my pretty shoes with a bit of a heel. Leaving a school I stepped off the kerb and onto the road and a little stone. Whoops a daisy! Over on the ankle and I hit the road - not in the way I wanted either. They say that you know you are getting old when you fall over and people rush to help instead of laughing. I guess I am getting old. Rats! I spent most of the day with ice on it and resting between appointments. The physio kindly strapped it for me in the afternoon with no appointment. By Friday morning it felt much better but no gym for me. Stayed very quiet all weekend - except for the party I had with my twins. Our birthdays are actually on the 5th but we had it on the 1st so we could all be there.  All happy at a combined 129 years.
Image may contain: 3 people, beard
It wasn't possible to have all the family here but there was a selection.
Image may contain: 8 people, people sitting and child