Just a short ride today. It's a lovely day but cool. At least I went out. I did notice the nether regions were a little tender but that settled quickly. I think we saw a young tui in the garden last night and I thought I heard one early this morning. It would be lovely to have tuis nearby. Ron thinks it might be a hard winter this year so we will have to keep the birds fed. There was a blackbird in the glasshouse when I got back and it was in a right panic.
Saturday, 15 April 2017
The danger of Cyclone Cook passed with a whimper in Southland and today was a pleasant morning to go for a ride. By the time I got out the wind had cone up a little and I'm not fond of wind. However I decided that I have to train myself to enjoy wind. Relish it even. So off I went with the wind behind me. I figured that if I rode to Pukerau then the head wind would be from Kaiwera and down Diamond Peak. At least I would be going downhill into the head wind. I had conveniently forgotten how far it was.
I scooted out to Pukerau quite quickly for me. I stopped at Camp Colomba and took a photo of a tiny waterfall. Then onwards and upwards. By the time I came over the top into the Kaiwera basin I was beginning to feel tired. I thought of ringing Ron to come and get me and then thought I had done all the work getting up and I didn't want to miss the run down.
By the time I turned onto the flat of River Road I had talked to myself and decided that fitness is as much mental as physical and I had better develop some mental stamina.
I didn't manage to ride up the last hill to home though. I was knackered.
44 km isn't really far but it was for me.
Now that I have recovered somewhat I am quite pleased with myself.
Monday, 3 April 2017
Injury and a party

It wasn't possible to have all the family here but there was a selection.