Saturday 28 October 2017

October 29

A lovely day for a ride today.  The sun was shining and just a gentle breeze. The trees are flowering and riding past the hawthorn brings a lovely perfume. I started out down Broughton St and felt my hair lift as I built up speed. Damn! No helmet. So I had to turn around and bike up the hill. Managed fine then. But the hill beat me coming home an hour and a half later.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Back again

Again weeks have passed. I have not been well but seem to have got over the worst of it and am looking up again. However I have lost any fitness I had. We took 10 days and went to Twizel for the school holidays.  We biked a bit, did a jigsaw, read books and ate the local cheese. The cheese came from a lovely spot up Ben Ohau Road. Isabella loved the Aorangi Tangy. It was lovely to have Simon,Rosa,Taia and Isabella come and join us. Also Peter and Clare. 

When we rode the upper part of the A2O the mountains were spectacular.  It is quite deceptively flat looking. There was a head wind too so heading up alongside the Tasman RI've was a bit tough for the unfit. However the views made it worthwhile.