After Ron picked me up in Kopu we went to Coromandel and then over to the western coast. The map said there was a camp at Otipu and we followed a steep and winding road to get there and there was no place to camp. So out we came again and continued to Whitianga for the night. This was a lovely little camp, not as well equipped as Miranda Springs, but nice and quiet and clean.
This morning we continued our tour right back to Thames where we got coffee at the Wharf Bar and Restaurant.
Then I got back on the bike and met Ron 20 km on at the Convenient Cow for a cuppa. It was such pleasant biking I decided that Te Aroha was possible. Ron went ahead and got the accommodation and I biked the next 30 km. I stopped to read an information board and somehow managed to put a little bit much pressure on, I think, a bumble bee. Luckily it stung my arm. Equally luckily it did not swell and the stinging stopped after I had liberally smeared antihistamine cream all over it a couple of times. I wish the mossie bites would stop itching as quickly.
It was lovely to be picked up at the station and then to luxuriate in the pool. Not the hot pool but a lovely cool,refreshing pool. Followed by a soak in a little hot pool.
You are bringing back lots of memories of my time up there! Awesome biking xx